Tennessee › Oak Ridge › Jefferson Middle School
Test scores at this school are about the same as the state average, though still below the top-performing schools in the state. Because test scores in some states are so low, many students at this school may not be performing at grade level.
Academic programs
Art courses
Music courses
World language courses
Underserved students at this school are performing better than other students in the state, though this school may still have achievement gaps.
Test score
career and life success Our mission is to provide an adaptive and challenging learning environment and instruction that prepares each student for excellence in education and the workplace while cultivating integrity responsibility and a sustained passion for continued learning. Vision Statement Be an exemplary school that provides students the knowledge skills and character necessary to excel in education work and life.
200 Fairbanks Road Oak Ridge, TN 37830
School Leader : Phil Cox
(865) 425-9339 |