› Mentor
› Lake Catholic High School
Lake Catholic High School
Private school
506 Students
Grades 9-12
From the School
Buses / vans provided for students
Boarding school
Day school
Type of school
College preparatoryFaith-based
Colleges students typically attend after graduation
State and Private Colleges and Universities
Student Demographics
Schools that create a positive culture help all students thrive.
Asian or Pacific Islander
Asian or Pacific Islander
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
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6733 Reynolds Road Mentor, OH 44060
School Leader : Mr. Robert M. Kumazec
Courses & Programs
The list below is a sample of available courses at this school.
AP Courses
- AP English Language and Composition
- AP English Literature and Composition
- AP U.S. Government and Politics
Art courses
Music courses
World language courses