Michigan › Belding › Belding Middle School
Test scores at this school fall far below the state average. This suggests that students at this school are likely not performing at grade level.
Academic programs
Art courses
Music courses
Performance arts courses
World language courses
Underserved students at this school may be falling behind other students in the state, and this school may have significant achievement gaps.
Test score
Academic Progress
Belding Middle School is a place where all students can succeed academically and have opportunities to become part of extracurricular groups teams and clubs. No year round travel teams required! BMS is using a 1:1 instructional model that allows for a well organized instructional day and experience. Students have individualized plans for ELA and Math using IXL diagnostics and analytics allowing for maximum academic growth. Consider BMS for your student!
410 Ionia Street Belding, MI 48809
School Leader : Joseph Barron
(616) 794-4420 |