California   ›   San Francisco   ›   AltSchool - Dogpatch

AltSchool - Dogpatch

Private school 0 Students Grades PK-1

From the School

Delivering a whole-child

personalized education. AltSchool offers a whole-child personalized education to prepare students for their future by developing self-awareness nurturing their innate capabilities and fostering collaboration skills. Our educators engage students by involving them in their own learning to help students develop initiative and take responsibility for their education. Students learn and are assessed on non-academic life skills with the same level of rigor as core academic knowledge.

Start time
09:00 AM

End time
03:00 PM


Dress code

Boarding school
Day school


Student Demographics

Schools that create a positive culture help all students thrive.

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 2265 3rd Street and 610 20th Street San Francisco, CA 94107

  School Leader : Annette Bauer

(866) 664-2070


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