Students at this school are making average academic progress from one grade to the next compared to students at other schools in the state.
Average progress with high test scores means students have strong academic skills and are progressing at about the same rate as their peers at other schools in the state.
Test scores at this school are about the same as the state average, though still below the top-performing schools in the state. Because test scores in some states are so low, many students at this school may not be performing at grade level.
Underserved students at this school are performing about as well as other students in the state, but this school may still have achievement gaps.
Test score
Academic Progress
The Mountain View family is empowered to consistently setting high expectations where everyone is safe respected engaged and productive in the learning community. We are engaged in authentic learning experiences that foster critical thinking creativity communication and collaboration which are measured through diverse methods. Our vision is to honor all students on the path to excellence motivate lifelong learners and encourage college and career readiness.
18302 West Burton Avenue Waddell, AZ 85355
School Leader : Ms Gail Miller
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