Arizona › Guadalupe › Frank Elementary School
Students at this school are making average academic progress from one grade to the next compared to students at other schools in the state.
Average progress with low test scores means students are starting at a low point but are progressing at about the same rate as their peers at other schools in the state.
Test scores at this school fall below the state average. This suggests that most students at this school may not be performing at grade level.
Music courses
Frank Elementary School is a Pre-K through Fifth-grade learning community that serves approximately 600 students. Our students have access to special education programs gifted programs P.E. Music computer lab and library instruction for K-5 students and Band Orchestra and Choir for our 5th grade students. We continue to provide our students with classroom technology to support the various learning styles of our students and to ensure continued mastery and preparedness for the rigors of the Arizona College and Career Ready Standards.
8409 South Avenida del Yaqui Guadalupe, AZ 85283
School Leader : Ms Martha Jacobo-Smith
(480) 777-0146 |