Arizona › El Mirage › Dysart Middle School
Students at this school are making average academic progress from one grade to the next compared to students at other schools in the state.
Average progress with low test scores means students are starting at a low point but are progressing at about the same rate as their peers at other schools in the state.
Test scores at this school fall below the state average. This suggests that most students at this school may not be performing at grade level.
Underserved students at this school are performing about as well as other students in the state, but this school may still have achievement gaps.
Test score
Academic Progress
At Dysart Middle School we embrace adversity and empower all students to achieve academic mastery by fostering a culture of greatness. We are committed to growing student leaders who exceed expectations in arts athletics and academics. At DMS all students create Successful pathways to their future.
12950 West Varney Road El Mirage, AZ 85335
School Leader : Ashley Longoria
(623) 876-7137 |