Arizona › Dewey-Humboldt › Bradshaw Mountain Middle School
Will be updated soon
Test scores at this school are about the same as the state average, though still below the top-performing schools in the state. Because test scores in some states are so low, many students at this school may not be performing at grade level.
Art courses
Music courses
Performance arts courses
World language courses
Underserved students at this school are performing about as well as other students in the state, but this school may still have achievement gaps.
Test score
BMMS has an open campus perfect for middle school students. Teachers present student-centered lessons where students are able to communicate with their peers think critically and creatively and apply the new information and skills they are learning. 21st Century Learning at its best!
12255 E TURQUOISE CIR Dewey-Humboldt, AZ 86327
School Leader : Ms Jessica Bennett
(928) 759-4920 |